Guaranteed Fire Resistance


GreenFiber's Cocoon® Insulation products and its Fire Rated Material, FRM™- a proprietary material used in separation watts - enhance fire resistance and are guaranteed to retain their fire retardant characteristics for the life of the structure.


Our products are treated with fire retardants and carry a Class I/A fire rating.


 Alternative to Fire Blocking


GreenFiber's products can also be used as alternatives to traditional building code fire blocking measures. Walls filled with GreenFiber's Cocoon® Insulation and FRM will meet building code provisions for adequate protection around non-combustible through penetrations.


GreenFiber's ICC Evaluation Service Report -1996, section 4.4 Fire Blocking, states "Cocoon and Cocoon2 Insulations are permitted as fire blocking in accordance with IBC Section 717.2.1, BNBC Section 721.2 or UBC Section 708.2.1, Item 1, and are permitted to be used as alternates to the fire blocking in IRC Section R602.8.1.


Normally, membrane penetrations for such things as wall receptacles require a separation of at least 24" on opposite sides of a fire rated wall. However, if GreenFiber's Cocoon Insulation and FRM is filled in the wall, the horizontal separation need only be equal to the wall's thickness.



Surface Burning Characteristics


Cocoon and FRM carry a flame-spread index of not more than 25, and have a smoke-developed index of not more than 50 as tested per ASTM E 84. GreenFiber's Cocoon Insulation and FRM meet the ASTM C-739 requirement for Smoldering Combustion and Critical Radiant Flux.


GreenFiber has obtained approval from UL for the use of Cocoon Insulation and FRM for many construction designs listed in their Fire Resistance Directory.


Outperforms Other Materials

The Big Burn a home fire demonstration, was performed in 1998 at the Maryland Fire and Rescue Institute under the supervision of The Code Consortium, Inc. and Steven Winter Associates.


The results of this demonstration correspond closely with the results achieved by the National Fire Laboratory of the National Research Council Canada. The cellulose insulation structure maintained its structural integrity, for a total time of 68.08 minutes, in excess of 24 minutes longer than the fiberglass structure, translating to an increased fire resistance of 57% as compared to the 55% improvement achieved in the laboratory study.